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Alternative Treatment for Pancreas, Liver, Bile Problems

In the human body, pancreas, liver and bile can be figuratively related in a good or a very bad way. In a healthy situation, they can work together, but in an unhealthy situation, they can harm each other and cause disease. For example, both the bile and the pancreas (pancreatic lipase) are responsible for proper fat digestion. For example, gall...

Healthy Eating – Is Food Healthier When It’s Raw?

A question many people ask when going through their eating plan is whether they should be eating raw foods as much as possible. While you may not go as far as adopting the raw food diet approach, which can be very restrictive in some senses and difficult for many to adhere to; You may be wondering if it's wiser not to cook certain foods....

Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Antioxidants – A New Improved Source

As a result of the ongoing wellness revolution, more and more people are learning that they need to add quality supplements to their diet to prevent and reverse a variety of chronic degenerative diseases. The basic reason for this is very simple - we are genetically programmed to eat only the simple, whole foods consumed by our Stone Age ancestors...

Ladies – Use Bikini Photography to Motivate Your Fitness Workouts

When it comes to training and living the fitness lifestyle, motivation will help you get started, and discipline will help you stay consistent with your diet and exercise. But over time, both motivation and discipline can easily ebb, and an extra boost is needed to keep you on track – and this is where booking a bikini photo shoot can be of grea...

How to Lose 10 Pounds in 10 Days – With This Diet Plan

The best way to lose 10 pounds in 10 days isn't by starving yourself, it's by eating more food. Eating more food each day and changing it up, calorie shifting is a form of dying that has been used for a very long time. Many bodybuilders have used this method to get in the best possible shape and let me tell you it works. So if you are still skep...

What Is a Dash Diet?

DASH stands for Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension. The DASH diet has been clinically proven to lower blood pressure within 2 weeks in people who follow the diet. Not only is it known to control blood pressure, it was designed to do so programs for weight losshelps prevent heart disease, stroke, diabetes and some types of cancer...

Worksite Wellness – Stressed Out? 6 Tips To Reduce Work-Life Stress And Improve Your Health

Just turn on the news and you'll hear about the latest company downsizing, resizing, slowdowns, restructuring, economic downturns or, as the financial advisors say, the economic winter. What about you? All this bad news and at work you are burnt out, mentally and physically exhausted. Have you wondered - "at what price?" As your responsibilitie...

Ketogenic Diet Menu For The Beginner: Understanding SKD, TKD And CKD

If you've decided to lose weight this spring, consider the ketogenic diet. The diet has been around for a long time and was once used to treat patients with epileptic or seizure disorders, particularly in young children. Nowadays, the diet has lost popularity with the advent of prescription drugs that treat the health problem. However, the diet...

Mindful and Intuitive Eating – Tips For Creating an Enduring Habit of Conscious Eating

Mindful eating, intuitive eating, and conscious eating are all terms used to describe a style of eating that uses internal cues about hunger, appetite, and satiety to guide our relationship with food. When we are attuned to our bodies and able to listen to them, we can know what to eat and when to eat. The focus is on learning a conscious diet th...

Achieve Good Health by Eating Healthy Food

Eating is one of the most important things we do in our daily life. We need food to live and survive. It's always a necessity and we always love to enjoy food. It's part of us and our culture, and in fact we depend on it in order to live and be healthy. The foods we eat are the source of our energy and nourishment. Even before we were born we...
