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5 Ways to Add Easy Vegetable and Fruits to Your Child’s Diet

We've all known the US Department of Agriculture's "5 A Day" slogan for years. But did you know the recommendation has been raised to 7 to 13 servings PER DAY? This may seem overwhelming to the average parent! Why do we need so many fruits and vegetables anyway? Fruits and vegetables are packed with important nutrients that can he...

Talking Mental Health In College- Q & A with Richard Kadison, M.D. of Harvard University

Maria Pascucci, President of Campus Calm, had the opportunity to speak with Richard Kadison, MD, about why high schools and colleges are seeing an increase in the number of stressed students with mental health issues. Kadison is the Chief of the Mental Health Service at Harvard University Health Services and the author of College of the Overwhe...

A Fine Balance:Juggling Caregiving And A Full-Time Job

My life changed so quickly. My mother suffered a minor stroke and subsequent pulmonary embolism. She was hospitalized twice and was also battling the onset of dementia. My mom has always been so independent, even to the point of joining me and my friends for the occasional happy hour (pre-COVID 19). But now she really needed my help. Her memor...

Is Your Health Food Really Healthy?

The world is becoming more health conscious every year. Grocery companies are making so-called health food products, the fast-food industry is trying to create healthier menus, and people are making wiser choices when it comes to their groceries. This is a wonderful cause and much needed as obesity affects more and more families. Eating right is...

Stay Healthy, Eat More Fish and Seafood

There are many good reasons to eat fish and seafood. Fish is a source of high-quality protein and is low in fat and cholesterol. Fish and seafood are excellent sources of vitamin B12, vitamin D, magnesium and omega-3 fatty acids. There is now a lot of evidence that people who regularly include fish in their diet have a lower risk of unwanted wei...

How to Lead a Healthy Lifestyle

What's in a healthy life? Just a longer life expectancy, a stronger immune system, lower risks of life-threatening diseases - basically a healthy mind and body. Needless to say, choosing this lifestyle has many life-changing benefits. Do you want to know how to lead a healthy lifestyle? Here are some of the things you need to do: Eat healthy f...

How to Choose Effective Hoodia Gordonii Diet Pills on the Net?

Today, when we search for free and effective hoodia diet samples, many people find it completely overwhelming as soon as they start searching because there are a few things to keep in mind: It is really important when looking for a Hoodia Gordonii diet pill that you pay close attention to the labels on this herbal product. Once you've fo...

Turmeric to Spice Up Your Health

Various traditional cultures have always known that food can be medicine if used wisely. Chinese and East Indian cuisine, for example, is full of heavenly spices that not only taste good, but are also good for many common diseases. In addition, science now suggests that these very spices can prevent many chronic diseases, as well as possibly some...

The Importance of a Healthy Diet After Having a Baby

New mothers need to recover from childbirth and then build and sustain their strength for the important months and years of motherhood ahead. A good, nutritious diet is very important to achieve this. While most of the attention will be focused on this wonderful new little person in your life, it is very important that you develop a good r...

Mental Fitness Challenge: 90 Days to Change

I've recently read hundreds of examples of people taking a 90 day challenge to improve their physical fitness and I love it! What better way to get in shape physically than working with a community of like-minded people? With all this focus on a physical challenge, don't people miss two other key aspects of fitness - the mental and the spiritual?...
